Welcome to the Phase Shift

“We’re living through a profound turning in the human soul. A world-changing shift and evolution is occurring within us and between us.

I am here to midwife that shift; to listen in a way that reveals the profound depths of who we are and what it means to be together.”

Jacob Kishere is a professional dialogue facilitator, the rapper, philosopher and writer behind Culturepilgrim, SENSESPACE and The Resonant Man.


My dialogue-centred philosophy puts we space at the heart of the matter. I’ve spent 4.5 years working with dialogos, a transformative dialogue practice and path that connects us with deep listening, flow and insight. I love to help people to tap in to the emergent flow of dialogue and the richness of insights available there.

Working with our relationship to not-knowing and uncertainty is essential. In dialogos, we build capacity for an intimacy with not-knowing that is deeply generative.

In Dialogos, we play with space, heart & awareness to create pockets of possibility—getting somewhere together we couldn’t have individually. We learn to connect with a wisdom larger than ourselves and become skilful stewards of collective consciousness.

Systemic cultural transformation:

We are globally connected to more information than we have capacity to process and integrate. We have education systems designed to produce bureacratic minds for a predictable world rather than navigators of a transforming one.

My Dialogos cultivates the communion in communication, centring ‘we space’ capacities as part of a paradigm shift in education, media, community and health.


My attunement process in Dialogos is informed by my own depth healing work and deepening relationship with God spirit. It’s been enacted through 4-5 years longform podcast production, live design, facilitation of men’s initiatives including The Resonant Man, guest facilitation in resonant projects incl. Lisa Norton’s Uncertainment Lab, Jordan Bates’ ‘Council of Kings’, Voicecraft. I have offered long term 1-1 client work and, when I’ve been called to, brought my capacities in service of effective interventions and support in high-stakes relational conflicts.


Over the past 5 years the most common and challenging question is often “what’s your podcast about?”

Like the founding fathers or renaissance men, I take an octopus approach to finding the interconnectivity and wisdom in and between many domains of life.

SENSESPACE hosts dialogues exploring insight, wisdom & healing in ongoing collaborations with wise and brilliant minds. It is inspired by Dialogos and working within a liminal web of networked projects and communities in resonance.

My inter-displinary enquiries include:

~The Climate crisis and the new science of collective trauma healing

~Psychedelics & Spirituality

~Evolving the paradigm of education

~Wrestling with and re-imagining Christianity

~Conscious Cannabis Culture & the drug’s war

~Developing the liminal web, ‘We-space’ communities & financially viable wisdom commons

~Dialogos as a practice for cultural, political and social transformation

In 2024 I launched the first SENSEPACE LIVE Events and will soon launch SENSESPACE Studio.


Culturepilgrim: an artistic, aesthetic journey.

Beginning with my first forays into music during lockdown in Berlin, Culturepilgrim has taken on an expansive scope exploring the journey of finding faith and wisdom in the walk of life. While my substack distill’s longform insights my rap music collaborations bring to life the poetry and rhythms of the journey, bringing music to ideas and ideas to music.


Culturepilgrim substack is a newsletter community for people to co-journey with my insights, contemplations & creations. Recent essays and longform reflections included: The War of my Forefathers, Integrating the Shadow Masculine, David Bohm and Dialogos pt.1 & pt.2.


Several new projects dropped in 2024.

Find tracks like ‘Alchemy’, ‘Crysis’ and

‘Sacred Garden’.

on Spotify and Apple Music.

Follow IG @culturepilgrim

We all value a depth of listening and witnessing. This is central to the gift I offer you. A sandbox to explore. A new way of discovering insights into your experience you may not have known you were looking for.

My 1-1 Dialogos and group facilitation offers a dynamic space to integrate our different selves as well as play with new ones. It’s an invitation to a spontaneous, explorative and sacred kind of dialogue. A practice in which we develop a faith-full navigation in life and a connection to the wisdom that is always available to us.

Working with me

‘The nexus of space and time where we are is the most important’

My service supports:

  • Vision

  • Tuning in to personal soul-journey and navigating deaths-rebirths

  • Supporting an understanding of healing

  • Sensemaking world-events wisely

  • Integrating ‘the big picture’ with personal agency, journey & participation

I have experience in supporting project development with collaborators as well as deeper forms of conflict mediation and relationship counselling.

My services are available to support groups and organisations who need them and I’m open to explore what form that can take.

Write me at: discoverdialogos@gmail.com

More Questions…

How is it different to coaching & therapy?

My practice is peer-to-peer. We’re equal participants in sensing into the dialogue together.

We may share intimately but it is not in service of simply venting or me offering a fix. Our work is to show up in truth and integrity in order to connect with the wisdom available between us. My wish is to awaken a wisdom that is already within you and can help guide your choicemaking.

While coaching is more directional, I work with the unfolding intelligence of the dialogue. You will become more confident in uncertainty and we use curiosity in relationship to not-knowing.

Why begin?

You may step into working with me because of a specific problem or juncture in your life. It may also be less explicit; a calling or intuition of potential resonance between us. Often times it is through the dialogue itself we realise the full purpose of our work, so you’re encouraged to step in on faith.


I ask $100 per 90m session. If you want to work together but would prefer to give a different amount than this we can explore further.

Can I make a discovery call or speak about other collaborations?

Yes. Write me at discoverdialogos@gmail.com please indicate that you’d like a 60m discovery session or a full 90m session.